\n {:else if $auth?.isWalletConnected()}\n\n {$t(\"common.connectedTo\")}: {$auth?.state?.account?.owner?.toString()}\n
\n\n {$t(\"common.subaccount\")}: {$auth?.state?.account?.subaccount ? uint8ArrayToHexString(\n $auth?.state?.account?.subaccount\n ) : \"\"}\n
\nPrincipal ID: {user.Ok.principal_id}
\nAccount ID: {user.Ok.account_id}
\n {:else}\nLoading user data...
\n {/if}\n{$t(\"common.notConnected\")}
\n {/if}\n\n {$t(\"common.error\")}: {$walletStore.error.message}\n
\n {/if}\n\n \n {connectionStatus}\n
\n {selectedToken.formattedBalance}\n {selectedToken.symbol}\n
\nLoading your transaction history...
\nNo transactions found
\n\n Maximum allowed price difference between expected and actual swap price\n
\n\n Remove all favorite tokens for the current wallet\n
\n\n Choose your preferred language for the interface\n
\n\n Switch between pixel art and modern glass themes\n
\n\n Enable or disable sound effects\n
\n\n Clear all cached data and reset the application\n
\nPlease wait while we initialize the app...
\n\n \n\n {#if $loadingState.totalAssets}\n Loading assets: {$loadingProgress}%\n {:else}\n Loading...\n {/if}\n
\n\n {#if $loadingState.errors.length > 0}\n{error}
\n {/each}\n